Disposable swabs have found a place in the hearts of medical practitioners as they are used in sample collection, cleaning wounds and even in diagnosing diseases. One main component of swabs that is of paramount importance is their constituents. More often than not, swabs are exported to the market in packs made of polyester, cotton or nonwoven swabs. In cases where more precision details and strength are needed, polyester swabs have been known to do the job and for comfort, cotton swabs are the best. Hushed silence surrounds the issue of disposable non-woven pads that with such attributes as high absorbent capacity and low fiber shedding area reliable solutions to many medicinal practices. Jiangsu Changfeng Medical Industry Co., Ltd. is not left behind in ensuring that the constituting materials are of acceptable standards. It possesses a record of maintaining good health management and great safety standards in the organization.